Small Surprises

Towards the end of May 2020, I learned of a grandson. My son had found out a week or two before me so I can say it was a total surprise to the paternal side of the family. My son (who I often call “The Boy”) was excited, scared, nervous, unsure, and any other descriptive you can imagine. When he asked what I thought about being a grandma, I said, “First, it’s ‘Nan’. I will be called Nan. Second, he’s really just an idea right now, isn’t he? I mean, I haven’t met him and have only seen pictures so I really haven’t formed any concrete opinion one way or another.”

Looking back, I probably could’ve phrased it a little better. My son was looking for support and encouragement, and instead I gave him vagueness and indifference. Perhaps my response is why it wasn’t until the first week of July that The Boy took me to meet his boy, Miles. Whatever the reason, I fell in love with My Little Idea the moment I laid eyes on him (and, if I’m being honest, I began falling in love with him with each picture my son shared with me).

Josh (The Boy) and V (Miles’ mom) have a complicated relationship that they’re both trying to navigate. Josh has (had? I honestly am not sure) a girlfriend, and V, from what I’ve garnered, has someone serious in her life as well. Nevertheless, the steps each one is taking, the concern they’re showing each other, and the obvious devotion to my adorable grandson they each have is evident and it makes me so proud of my son. And the best part? I get the privilege of watching Miles once a week while V runs errands or goes to work.

Quite a few of my friends are grandparents and it amazes me to watch the transformation their faces take whenever they talk, hold, brag on, or anything grandchild related. I would muster up the enthusiasm to hear their stories or look at their pictures but I never truly “got it.” I thought it was sweet that they were gaga but honestly, it’s just a baby, or a toddler, or a young person, what’s the big deal. I wasn’t anti-baby, I just didn’t think I’d ever join their ranks. I am happy to report that I have crossed over to the dark side.

Nan and Miles – the adventures we’re going to have…


My roommate, the ever-awesome Terrie, found this book for me. One day I'll tell Miles the story of how I came to know him and read this book to him. Until then, it will encourage me and remind me that all ideas deserve room to roam and grow. 

Check it out!


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